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 6点起床 围着碧云晨跑2个小时 15km的路程一路飘香着桂花味 踏着轻盈的步伐 环顾四周国际社区的氛围比比皆是 我回头想想这么多年在国外,我还是很喜欢自己的祖国的,中国上海。。。 我死也要死在这片土地上。。。哈哈哈 enjoy

Long time no update my blog

  Finally, logged in my blog account. Long time no see here! haha Lol ! Guys! 自从有了instagram 和 facebook 还有国内的wechat,已经很少在blog中写些什么了。。。 再加上自从有了无人机和狗子,很少在此动笔了。 这些年在我身上发生了许多故事和动荡,就连我自己都还没反应过来,人总体上成熟了不少,成长了很多,考虑事情都是从底层逻辑出发,从根本上解决问题,从人性出发,能够站在不同纬度不同深度不同层面思考人生🤔 to be continued... 

Cooking with Kasma

I teased you last week with a glimpse into my Tuesday-night classes with Thai cooking maven Kasma Loha-unchit . This most-recent set of classes was the fourth 4-week series I’ve attended; I started with the beginning series nearly 10 years ago, followed up with the intermediate course a few years later, and then — after travelling with Kasma through central and northern Thailand in January 2006 — picked up again with the advanced series last spring. In the beginning series , you master popular curries , simple stir-fries, spicy soups and salads, and authentic (ketchup-free!) pad thai noodles. Even if you think you know a lot about Thai food, you’re sure to learn a lot: You’ll taste-test multiple brands of coconut milk, learn about the best places to buy ingredients, hear the lowdown on the top brands , and get plenty of practice balancing sweet, salty, sour, and hot flavors under Kasma’s watchful eye. Intermediate classes move on to more labor-intensive preparation