

 6点起床 围着碧云晨跑2个小时 15km的路程一路飘香着桂花味 踏着轻盈的步伐 环顾四周国际社区的氛围比比皆是 我回头想想这么多年在国外,我还是很喜欢自己的祖国的,中国上海。。。 我死也要死在这片土地上。。。哈哈哈 enjoy

Long time no update my blog

  Finally, logged in my blog account. Long time no see here! haha Lol ! Guys! 自从有了instagram 和 facebook 还有国内的wechat,已经很少在blog中写些什么了。。。 再加上自从有了无人机和狗子,很少在此动笔了。 这些年在我身上发生了许多故事和动荡,就连我自己都还没反应过来,人总体上成熟了不少,成长了很多,考虑事情都是从底层逻辑出发,从根本上解决问题,从人性出发,能够站在不同纬度不同深度不同层面思考人生🤔 to be continued... 

Cooking with Kasma

I teased you last week with a glimpse into my Tuesday-night classes with Thai cooking maven Kasma Loha-unchit . This most-recent set of classes was the fourth 4-week series I’ve attended; I started with the beginning series nearly 10 years ago, followed up with the intermediate course a few years later, and then — after travelling with Kasma through central and northern Thailand in January 2006 — picked up again with the advanced series last spring. In the beginning series , you master popular curries , simple stir-fries, spicy soups and salads, and authentic (ketchup-free!) pad thai noodles. Even if you think you know a lot about Thai food, you’re sure to learn a lot: You’ll taste-test multiple brands of coconut milk, learn about the best places to buy ingredients, hear the lowdown on the top brands , and get plenty of practice balancing sweet, salty, sour, and hot flavors under Kasma’s watchful eye. Intermediate classes move on to more labor-intensive preparation

Introduction of Thailand Food

Thai food is internationally famous. Whether chilli-hot or comparatively blands, harmony is the guiding principle behind each dish. Thai cuisine is essentially a marriage of centuries-old Eastern and Western influences harmoniously combined into something uniquely Thai. The characteristics of Thai food depend on who cooks it, for whom it is cooked, for what occasion, and where it is cooked to suit all palates. Originally, Thai cooking reflected the characteristics of a waterborne lifestyle. Aquatic animals, plants and herbs were major ingredients. Large chunks of meat were eschewed. Subsequent influences introduced the use of sizeable chunks to Thai cooking. With their Buddhist background, Thais shunned the use of large animals in big chunks. Big cuts of meat were shredded and laced with herbs and spices. Traditional Thai cooking methods were stewing and baking, or grilling. Chinese influences saw the introduction of frying, stir frying and d


人妖(泰语叫:GRATEAI。英语作:SHEMALE)主要指的是专事表演的从小服用雌性激素而发 育的男性 泰国旅游业极富地方特色,其中最让人瞠目的便是著名的“人妖”表演已经成为泰国经济的支柱 泰国之所以被世人称为梦一般美丽的旅游天堂,“人妖”是泰国的特产,也是泰国著名的城市风景,泰国独特的人文风情,很多都集中在人妖身上。  关于泰国人妖的产生,有各种不同的说法。其中有一种说法是从印度的“阉人”演变而来。印度阉人的历史,可以追溯到十六世纪初时期在印度北方形成 的莫卧儿伊斯兰教国家。在漫长的征讨岁月里,军中的好些穆斯林首领专门搜集了一批“阴阳人”(先天性的两性人)负责服侍他们留在家中的女眷。 由于这些阴阳人的薪俸很高,一般对主人都尽忠职守,再加上他们本身生理上的缺陷,对闺苑深重寂寞的女眷们无法构成威胁和伤害,极得主人们的信 任。莫卧儿帝国后,大批阴阳人受到主人们的青睐和重奖。自此之后,国家的统治者以及其他达官显贵,都逐渐养成了聘用阴阳人服侍女眷的习俗,并渐渐扩大到整 个印度。

Koh Tao

Thailand is one of the paradises here on earth. If you want to enjoy looking at corals and looking at fish then you should certainly go to Thailand. There may be other coral reefs out there in the world but you should not miss out diving in Thailand. You may think that diving is expensive but it isn’t so. One of the places that you should dive in Thailand is on the island of Koh Tao. If you are learning how to dive or if you have not dived in a long time then this island is perfect for you. There are fully licensed PADI instructors nearby and you can get all your equipment around the area. You are certainly going to be good to go when you get all your equipment ready. You are going to be trained by the professionals if you are still learning. If you think that this training will be like school then you are wrong. The instructors here will not sound like your chemistry teacher. If you want to experience the best dives then you have to take a boat trip to the best dive sites. It is oka

Bargaining in Thailand

Bargaining can best be described as an art or negotiation skill. It is a vital tool when buying and selling goods and can be especially handy if you plan on going shopping in Thailand. Perhaps nowhere else is bargaining highly regarded as in Thailand, as it will not only help you get a good price for what you want to buy but also because bargaining is very much part of Thai culture. For the tourist, it may help if you know that the ‘general price’ is mostly 40-50% more than the items’ actual price – so never settle for the first offer. And this is where bargaining comes into the picture. How to Bargain Bargaining in Thailand is a common sight in almost every shop, with the exception of the departmental stores. One can bargain on any price, especially if the goods on sale by the vendor fall in the class of antiques, handicrafts or rare gems. Normally, the vendor will place a higher marked up price for the goods and will actually expect the buyer to bargain, at least a little.